this is not going to be a easy answer , but here is the question .My 15 year old daughter started last spring to c/o headache,.nausea ,vomiting,strange stretch mark across her back followed by hallucinations and confusion she was admitted to hosp all tests normal, she was put on gluten free diet when they thought it was celiac disease but biopsy normal,Removing gluten did stop abd. pain and vomiting but she stated talking to herself and was put on respiradone,protein shakes vit b12,vit 6,vit.d,folic acid,and other powders made from fruite and vegtables She is still gets red marks on her body,that come and go large stretch mark is slowly fading, she has white flakes in scalp with hair loss does not itch,she has seen infectious disease,neurologist,geneticist,gastroenterologist,alternative medicine,and psych.Drs are treating symptoms but no diagnosis.If you have any idea of what is happening I would greatly appreciate any help offered. thankyou I just dont know what to do to help her.