Good eve Dr. my daughter had red circle appears on the leg face, hand, etc 1 or more and later it spread from ring to total red and little swelup when touch it feels hot to other person, my daughter complains of throat pain sometime , sometimes stomach pain some time joint pains, Her age is 4 1/2 year this is happening since 1 year our doctor said might be alergies need to observe-- in the starting given lazine, and rantact ie before 6 month now he said give her only lazine syrup and if nessary can give calpol or onpar. but every month she gets same problem . few days before she got piple like on her nose so other doctor prescribe her treatment with taxim o and for few day here i found that she recovered from that not only for the pimple like but her red ring patch cleared and her health shows good sign of health. As the taxim adminstred for few day so now she got red rring on her face and she complains of stomach pain and throat pains sometimes. what i need to know or need to do to make her free of this problem pl advice to my mail YYYY@YYYY from hyderbad, india.