Hey,I m kinda of a bit nervous to see my doctor about this, or tell my parents but I might have no choice haha.Started off about 5 days ago and I started getting red dots on my body. We went to a doctor and he said it wasn t chicken pox/measles, and that I should put cream on it to help it.It got worse as the days went on, spreading all over my stomache, back arms, legs.My scalp is itchy, and skin just flakes off my head if I scratch or shake my head.Then my butt started getting reallllly itchy. The next day it was like swollen, every time I go to the toilet there s more and more bloody on the toilet paper :(There s redness around the area and it feels like it s my prostate that s maybe swollen?I m a straight guy so haven t been putting stuff up there in case you were wondering hahah.Thank you so much!!!Hope you can help! :)