Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
It appears from your description that you could be experiencing local reaction at the injection site.
Kindly do the following to overcome the same.
1. Apply ice pack with ice cubes wrapped in a towel or polythene cover for 20 minutes once every hour or as needed.
2. Take an antihistamine such as Tablet.
Loratadine, which will help to counter itching and swelling.
3. Take
analgesic medication Tablet.
Ibuprofen or
acetaminophen as necessary.
Keep the wound clean and dry by proper local wound care and allow it to heal naturally.
Gradually, the symptoms should subside and you should be back to normal.
You need to seek medical attention promptly if you experience any associated symptoms and if there is no improvement in the condition by adopting to above measures.
Hope the information provided helps.