Hello! Four weeks ago, I noticed my scrotum was very red. It was not itching, just read and I kinda felt a burning sensation. I though it might be some kind of fungus, so I started taking Fluconazole (1 per week) and cetaconazole cream with corticosterois (once a day for two weeks). Since after two weeks it was still the same, I changed the cetaconazole for isoconazole (once a day). Nothing happened and my scrotum is still red. It does not hurt or itch, it just burns a little every time I use the cream and the times I tried to use some kind of moisturizer. I m starting to think it is not a fungal infection. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Cephalexin, but I read that one of the side effects is it can cause candidiasis, so I didn t start taking it. What could this be then? Should I take the Cephalexin? I just want my scrotum skin to go back to normal.