Thanks for writing in.
The term reflex anoxic seizures is a term used to describe a condition arising due to overactivity of
vagus nerve, the
cranial nerve controlling the heart functioning. In medical leterature, reflex anoxic seizures are paroxysmal, spontaneously-reversing brief episodes of
asystole triggered by pain, fear or anxiety. Anoxic seizures are non-epileptic events caused by a reflex asystole due to increased vagal responsiveness.
Following are symptoms of reflex anoxic seizures
1. During the episode, the child becomes suddenly pale and limp, will fall if standing, and loses consciousness.
2. This is followed by stiffening and clonic jerking of the limbs.
3. The episode is usually brief (30-60 seconds) and recovery is rapid.
4. There may also be upward eye deviation and
urinary incontinence.
5. On recovery, the child may feel tired for some time.
6. Reflex anoxic seizures do not cause tongue-biting and this may be useful in the differentiation from epilepsy
The above symptoms might indicate a likely reflex anoxic seizure.
Whether your child has the above symptoms she must be seen by the
pediatrician to confirm another diagnosis like epilepsy or causes of fainting involving the heart or brain.