Hello dear,
After going through your history, I believe you have some genuine concern and I will try to help you out of this situation.
Our nose is surrounded by
sinuses. Sinuses are empty cave like spaces in the facial bones with their mouth opening into the nose. These opening are very small and lined by epithelium same as that of nose. In a normal situation when we breathe, air enters the sinuses and ventilate them. Also there is constant production of fluids inside the sinuses, which drain out through the small opening to the nose.
When nose is affected with some infection, even
common cold, the epithelium swells and so the epithelium around the mouth of the sinuses. Now the sinuses can not be ventilated nor can be drained. This leads to deposition of fluid inside the sinuses and
SINUSITIS. Any anatomical defect like DNS (Deviated
nasal septum). Hypertrophied turbinates and other abnormalities only add to the risk of development of sinusitis. The infected fluid for the sinus then flows downwards to the throat and leads to
Pharyngitis which feels like blockage of throat, food pipe and wind pipe. In your case the swelling inside your throat is leading to a lump like sensation in throat.
In your situation, I believe there is some anatomic abnormality in right side (The 2 most common cause i have already mentioned) which is leading to your suffering.
In my clinic in cases like you , I do a proper nasal
endoscopy to find out any anatomical abnormality. If it is normal, I prescribe Antibiotics,
steroid, nasal drops for some time and if it does not subside, then I advise them to go for a CT scan PNS ( Para nasal sinuses) to see any hidden pathology and manage according to the report.
I hope I could solve your query. Please do not hesitate to clarify more doubts for the same situation.
Thank you for the way you are in my life.
Dr Ipsit Panda