my mother is 44 year old,height 5.4 ,weight 65kgs,she is suffering from diabeties ,thyroid and depression .depression was from 10 years but more depressed from last 6 years .for depression she was taking arpin 75 irregularly,for thyroid she was taking ultroxin irregularly,for diabeties no medication .from one year she is not able to walk,not able to do any household work ,she feels electric shock when she tries to move feels felling down if any thing comes towords her ,she can t lift any wait . on last month 24th she met neurologist,CT scan,x -ray of backbone ,EEG reports are normal and she is taking medicine for depression GP1,redmt,novcal -c ,maxgalin ER 75 ,ASSERT 50,aodgol 20 ,rafridem forte