I moved my wrist and felt a bit of resistance to fully move my wrist how I wanted to. I had experienced this before, it felt as if my thumb was stuck, but after a few seconds normal function returned. However, this last time was far different. After trying to move my wrist I heard a popping noises and immediately experienced pain that extended from my thumb to my wrist, with the majority of the pain in my wrist. I tried to brush it off, but the pain kept reoccurring in my wrist. It has been almost three months since that happened and no relief. I no longer feel pain in my thumb, but experience resistance when I try to move my wrist in certain ways, nothing outing normal wrist movement, accompanied by audible popping noises and pain extending from my wrist to forearm. I can no longer move my wrist in a circular motion without sharp pain and popping. It feels as if a tendon is rolling over the boney prominence closest to my thumb. I recently used a wrist splint and it seemed to help some, but the pain and popping is still occurring. Do you have any ideas on what this could be? Any suggestions on what to do?