Have pain in the right side of my neck and throat. Swelling was worse last week, but now is usually worse when eating or swallowing any solids or liquids. The inside of my throat hurts really low in my throat, the area around my carotid artery hurt and there is a lump there, the underneath area of the right side of my chin, and occasionally the inside of my ear are painful. When I look inside of my throat, I see some slight red/yellow areas and slight swelling on my right tonsil. I m guessing it s swollen because it is more pronounced and swollen then the left side. Lots of visible red veins inside the back of my throat. Went to the doctor and had a rapid strep test, which came out negative. No fever or phlem. No chest cough. No sore throat other than the pain I feel. Pain feels more like my throat muscle is sore than like a sore throat from a cold.