Thanks for posting on HCM
Your symptom may not be linked to the
tetanus shot.It may have just been a coincidence.If related to the shot, symptoms would have subsided and would not persist till months after.Ringing ears could however be caused by a number of medical conditions.Some of these causes include:
-Age related hearing loss
-Exposure to loud noise
Ear wax blockage
-Ear bone changes
-Early indication of meniere's disease
-Temporomandubular joint problems
-Head/neck injury
-Blood vessel disorders like
atherosclerosis, high BP, Turbulent blood flow, capillary malformation
-Some medications.
-An infection like an
upper respiratory infection could give you such symptoms.But a causes linked to your partner's flu is less likely as it would not have persisted till now and also, you never presented with symptoms of respiratory infection at that time.When the respiratory infection goes, ringing ears goes as well.
I will suggest you see an
ENT specialist for evaluation given the many possible causes.Your management will depend on the underlying cause.
Hope my answer will help you
Best regards