my son is 9 months old.he is pulling his right ear,sometimes rubbing it since two weeks.At the night he awakes frequently more than as usual.he likes to eat recently only paste or is so hard to feed him rice,vegetable mixture.he prefers now more to wander by our lap. I visited 2 doctors and one ENT doc. ENT doc told us ,his ear is not clear,its dirty so little one is disturbed.Ent doc gave a ear drop for 7 days. Situation remain same after giving drops. then one doctor told his ear is clean. and the last,before couple of days we visited again a pediatric.doc told it is ear infection. Little one now is given twice daily moxclav 2.5 ml,teczine once 2.5ml,and lactobacil plus sachet one in a day. I am so much worried that treatment is going right way or not?there is antibiotic among these prescribed medicines?? kindly reply sir.