It is a possibility of coincidence of
abdominal epilepsy and seizures.....
??? Any alcoholic history, what about
smoking and
There is an entity called abdominal epilepsy.
Abdominal epilepsy is an exceptionally rare syndrome of epilepsy that's more likely to occur in children. With abdominal epilepsy, seizure activity causes abdominal symptoms. For example, it may cause pain and
nausea. Anticonvulsant medications can improve the symptoms.
Abdominal epilepsy is so uncommon that some experts question whether it exists.
Abdominal pain is common in people with epilepsy as well as without. So it could be that the abdominal pain is only coincidental, not caused by seizures.
What Are the Symptoms of Abdominal Epilepsy?
Little is known about abdominal epilepsy. There have only been 36 cases reported in medical journals in the last forty years.
With abdominal epilepsy, it's thought that seizures occur that primarily affect the digestive system. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the result. Those symptoms include:
abdominal pain, usually sharp or cramping and lasting seconds to minutes
nausea and/or vomiting
lethargy, or sleep following seizures
altered level of consciousness, such as confusion or unresponsiveness
convulsive seizures known as generalized tonic-clonic seizures
People with reported abdominal epilepsy have different patterns of symptoms. Further, symptoms may vary in the same person from one time to the next. For example, a person might have convulsive seizures and abdominal pain during one episode. Then the person may only have abdominal pain during another seizure.
Treated like other seizures.....
CT imaging requires to rule out pathological lesion.