Hi Doc, My sister gave birth to a baby boy on Oct 30th. The baby was born C-sectioned at 40 weeks. Every thing looked fine until before delivery. soon after delivery, kid has seizures, no crying and then it was noticed that he has stiff legs and arms. He wasnt drinking milk so they were feeding him thru a tube from his nose for almost 10days.after that he started slowing sucking but still has problem swallowing.Seizures went away on its own. A whole lot of tests were done on him which included genetic testing, chromosome testing, spine test, MRI of his brain , heart etc. All the test results are normal. They have started therapy for his stiffness but still no improvement. He can sense our touch but cannot move his head, lift hands and legs. Fingers are like tight fist and legs crossed inward. if we try to move he feels the pain but cannot cry. His growth, bowel movement, urination everything is normal. We are all really depressed and doesn t know what to do next. The doctors say everything is normal, but there might be some problem with brain/nerve which they are not able to figure it out. Any help is appreciated n this.