Thanks for posting on HCM
Your sister is probably suffering from what we call
hepatic encephalopathy. The
liver has many functions in the body with the most important being
detoxification.With stage 4
cirrhosis, the liver functions are always impaired.Accumulation of toxins(especially ammonia) in the body may have cephalic manifestations like the symptoms your sister has.
Ativan will not aggravate her condition, rather, it may help control her seizures if it should happen again.
Treatment options for this condition depend on the severity of the condition and underlying cause and is best done in a specialized unit.Options may include:
-Provision of supportive care
-Identification and removal of precipitating factors
-Reduction of nitrogenous load from the gastrointestinal tract
-Treatment to increase ammonia clearance
Just stay positive and trust your Doctors.Sure they will do their best to save your sister
Hope this will help
Wish your sister a speedy recovery