Thank you for writing at HCM.
Abdominal cramps and
diarrhea after food are common and might be due to infections we might get with the food. the most common cause are viral infections or the so called
stomach flu. They are generally self-limiting and improve themselves within a few days but meanwhile we need to keep ourselves hydrated. I would recommend you to:
1. drink frequent small amount of fluids- this will allow your stomach to tolerate fluids well. If you ingest big amount of fluids or food you are at risk of vomiting
2. BRAT diet: banana, rice, apple, toast- take frequent small amounts of these also.
3. rest as possible- your body needs to rest to help recover quicker
4. do not touch the food of other people- so you do not give the infection to others
5. no medication for diarrhea or vomiting is recommended as these might increase the number of the days the infection will last and cause side effects
6. it is recommended to take
ORS regularly and probiotics daily
7. if no improvements in a few days or any worsening you will need to see a doctor
I hope this is helpful to you and answers to your question
Best regards,
Dr Antoneta