not sure what the deal is Okay so I am going to try and explain everything in the best easy possible. First of all I don t have any insurance Anne can t afford to get insurance let alone go pay for a doctor visit right now. I just want to get ideas. This is going to be long So I have just been feeling all kinds of weird. I ve had weird cramping, some worse than others, ranged from mild to s*** that hurts! I ve had the lower left side of my back in pain. Sometimes the cramps made me feel like I was going to puke. On top of all that I was 10 days late for my period, which is definitely not normal for me. I took 4 home pregnancy test that all came out negative. A day before I actually got my period, I peed and saw in the toilet an object a little larger than a pea as well as a smaller on. Have no idea what it was, but it almost looked like a ball of tissue or something. It was a whitish color with a hint of pink. Throughout that day little shreds came out. The next day another chunk came out and some other weird stuff. I started my period that day. It was actually quite heavy, especially it being my first day and had clots coming out as well, which neither one if those two have ever happened to me in the 13 years I ve had my period. The next two days I was way heavier than normal almost as if I was just gushing blood. Lots of clots and lots of blood. And then today.... its a very very light flow. That in all just doesn t make since...... my cramps haven t been normal but they re not horrific. Right now as I lay in bed I m having mild pressure or cramps on the right side of my abdomen.... but that could just be because I have to pee. I ve been reading and trying to find out what the heck is going on and I m not sure. My. List starts with cysts down to miscarriages. I just don t know, any ideas would be helpful!!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to read this and answer, if you do. I know this was a lot to read.