Hi. My name is morgan. I m 25 years old. In the past year I started to get mild anxiety just when certain things happened like driving to a place I ve never been or being in an area where there were no bathrooms. I know,silly. And I had never been this way before. I m the past 3 months or so I have had several severe panic attacks that put me in the hospital 5 times in the past 2 months. I get bad chest pains. Light headed almost all the time. Heart palpitations. I get very tired for no reason. Pain in my left ribs and In My left arm. All these things cause me to have constant anxiety. I guess my question is.. if I have been to the hospital this many times and I have had 4 to 5 EKGs, an ultra sound on my heart, wore a heart monitor for 24 hours, had all kinds of blood work done 3 different times, and had 3 chest X-rays, should I believe without a doubt that my heart is fine? It makes it s so hard to believe it s just anxiety when I feel all these physical pains.