i am suffering from constipation and hamerhoid may be due to constipation since past 3 years, but problem is not regular with me, i suffer from constipation twice or sometimes thrice in a month i feel bulge coming out of anal that time but no bleeding then I take two amroid tablet twice for two three days and i am back to normal, The very first time when i feel irration and pain in anal region during constipation three years back doctor prescribed me amroid tablets and cremaffin which suited me and i was normal, after that when ever i feel hard stools and pain i take amroid tab for two three days, But this time i am suffering from past one month itching, pain, and i am unable to sit comfortable in office, i am still using amroid tab but no relief so i used cremaffin tomorrow and today also 30 ml after meals but today descentry started from evening till now 5 times I am feeling burning and pain in anal region, very uncomfortable, i suspect it is due to cremaffin and i googled to see side effects of cremaffin and then after reading your comment in health care magic i am sure it is due to cremaffin, Please advise me what to do next and prescribe me medicine to come out of this problem i will be thankful to you . I am waiting for your reply.