Welcome To HCM
This is Dr Amit. I will suggest you to do the investigations 1st and start the treatment accodingly. Investigations for Pulmonary
hypertension and Chronic obstructive pumonary diseases (COPD) include
Arterial blood gases (ABG): Determines the level of oxygen in arterial blood.
Complete blood count (CBC): Tests for infection, elevated hemoglobin, and anemia
3.Doppler echocardiogram: To calculate the systolic
pulmonary artery pressure.
4.Chest X-ray: To see the consolidation
Treatment part includes
1.Oxygen — replaces the low oxygen in your blood.
2.Anticoagulants or "blood thinners" such as warfarin sodium (Coumadin) — decreases blood clot formation so blood flows more freely through blood vessels.
3.Diuretics — removes extra fluid from the tissues and bloodstream, which reduces swelling and makes breathing easier.
4.Inotropic agents (such as digoxin) — improves the heart's pumping ability.
Depending upon the severity of COPD you can opt for Short-acting and long acting
bronchodilator inhalers. Ask your doctor to show how to use them. Even if the problem persists you can switch over to tablets containing theophylline or steroids with or without nebulizer under the guidance of your doctor. Feel free to ask if you have any other query