I read your message carefully and understood your concern.
It seems that your cough is really strong and makes you experience a lot of
Your cold/flu symptoms seem to aggravate to a severe cough. This means that the respiratory infection has developed further and has affected even more the
respiratory tract.
You may have
bronchitis or
pneumonia in this situation. A further consultation with your doctor and a good clinical examination is required together with chest X-ray and respiratory function test and blood tests.
For the moment, I advise to:
- increase fluids intake,
- add oral rehydration salts to keep hydrated
- sleep with an extra pillow
- use mucolytics (e.g. carbocystein) to dissolve phlegm as clear mucus is present
- take respiratory decongestant like anti-histaminic at bedtime
- aerosol therapy with saline can help
- can use herbal tea containing sage, rosemary, bay leaves and chamomile to ease the symptoms. Can inhale the steam of this tea from a teapot.
- take anti-inflammatory medications like
ibuprofen or mephenamic acid
Hope this was helpful.
Wish fast recovery.