It seems that you may have a nerve compression in your
cervical spine (neck area). They are not indicative of a
stroke. Would you clarify a few things for me, please?
*how old are you?
*what is your height and weight?
*do you smoke?
*what do you do as a profession?
*do your arms change colour when you have pain? Do they swell up?
*how long does it last and what offers relief?
*any triggers that you noticed? Like exercise, or any particular activity?
I recommend:
- a physician consult immediately /
neurologist opinion
- x-rays of the neck and chest. MRI spine, if
nerve damage is suspected.
- an electrocardiogram and
echocardiogram - blood tests (
complete blood count)
- a doppler study of the arms, if indicated
Based on these a diagnosis will be made. I urge you to seek medical attention right away to prevent complications and to make a proper diagnosis. An unstable disc can Injure the cord and cause severe damage (Including
paralysis). Any compromise in blood flow can also lead to such pain and needs to be diagnosed and treated urgently.
Hope this helps. Avoid any activity that triggers this pain. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Wish you good health!
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad