Hello my name is Rebecca Levy and I am a 23 years old. I have been having severe GI problems (maybe a parasite? Drs don t think it s necessary to test for it?) for about 12+ years. This might be a long shot but I really need your help. I currently have Kaiser Permanente for my health insurance and have seen over 6 doctors. I have gotten no answers, I am a single mom that raises a 6 year old and i NEED to function everyday, and as of May 27th, 2016 I am no longer working due to these GI problems. When I was about 10 years old I had H pylori..I had went through antibiotics and my MD said I was fine after that. I do believe I took my antibiotics before Dr. Borody discovered the 3 course antibiotics. I still always had severe pains and stomach issues, but 2-2 ½ years ago these symptoms started to get worse and worse until the symptoms I was experiencing became unbearable . This was at the same time I was completing the drug Methadone(I detoxed 1mg a week starting from 50mg). When I got to about 10mg I started to have VERY frequent watery, oily, foul smelling BMs AND the number of times i would have BMs are outrageous (sometimes over 10 times a day) . I always heard that after getting off of methadone your body takes about 6 months to adjust and go back to normal so I never paid much attention to it. After a year of completely being off methadone and anything else (antibiotics, medicine, pain killers, anti depressants, etc.) I couldn’t handle having this problem anymore and started seeing drs through Kaiser. My symptoms are as follows: white string like things coming from underneath my toe nails, finger nails, and nose Seborrheic dermatitis ER VISIT approx 2 weeks ago found “A large ovarian cyst with scar tissue that has been there for a long time” according to the ER dr. and my primary dr says they are very common in women with periods…..I havent had a period in 6 years due to having an IUD Abdominal Pain Constant Severe Diahrrhea (dont eat due to the fact that I constantly have to go to the bathroom after and the way it makes my stomach feel….anything from a plain piece of meat…..to just a piece of lettuce. IF and WHEN I do actually eat I have to plan to make sure I am at home so I can be close to a bathroom. Also I am a bartender and I cannot leave my section every 30 minutes to have a BM) Gas Burping Bloating (even when I don’t eat) Itching around the rectum (although this symptom isnt constant but present for periods of times) Fat in my stool (literally looks like someone is hawking loogies into my stool) Oily appearance Severely underweight with a BMI of 16…..i am 5’1” and 80 pounds. Regardless if I eat or no I still lose weight rapidly ALWAYS tired but cant sleep Stress, anxiety, depression (drs say thats whats causing my GI problems but I refuse to believe that because I didn’t have anxiety and depression before all this started) Tender Stomach Joint Paint Acne Back pain in the lower back and in middle upper Athletes foot Rumbling/movement/bubbly type feeling in stomach for hours on end without any flare up from a specific food Food poisoning in 2009 from BJs Brewery in Brea, CA White spots under nails White/grayish coating on tongue no matter how much I brush UTI (I have had 2 within a couple months. I have not been sexually active and do not have previous history of this) I always feel really foggy and kind of in a daze-like state Severe decrease in vision (eye dr says its from asigmatism) Alternating constipation/diarrhea Current Smoker Past Drug use Never been out of country but lived on the east coast in Mongahela, PA for a year Coughing up blood frequently Always feeling ill I did have a puppy in 2012 that had worms but as soon as they were found he was treated I have always worked in a restaurants so I have eating a lot of chicken and beef that wasn’t cooked by myself All though i stated about that i am currently not sexually active….for 2 years i was HIGHLY active with numerous partners and some were unprotected Also stated about I do have an IUD Mirena that was inserted in 2010 and no menstrual cycle “String” like things peeling off skin of toes (i guess athletes foot?) FOUL gas and VERY VERY frequent Lactose intolerant I know I sound like a hypochondriac with all these symptoms but I also refuse to take no as an answer. I know my body and there is something DEFINITELY not right with it. I don’t feel like my drs are helping me or even take me seriously. I have gotten numerous blood tests and stool tests done and everything I suggest it may be gets shot down. I get told this is from past substance abuse. I don t drink or do drugs. I dont have hep c, my pancreas is fine they say, my liver is fine. My most current dr. that I recently have given up on 7 days ago told me that its IBS and caused because of my depression and anxiety. I feel IBS is a bullshit (sorry for that term) diagnosis in this case. I have gotten a ct scan in June 2016 and that is ONLY because I went to the ER and I didn’t go to a kaiser hospital. During this Er visit is when they discovered my cyst that has apparently “been there for a long time, large in size, is painful because it might have ruptured or is leaking blood or fluid.” My primary care dr told me 7 days ago in our appointment that he “Doesn’t have time to contact the hospital i was at to get my CT scan results.” And the cyst will eventually go away on its own. Since everything is coming back normal i am assuming that i should be tested for a parasite….I’m not a dr. but wouldn t it be logical to rule that out also? Especially with the findings of my cyst? Previous h pylori? BMI is in anorexic range? Constant abnormal BMs for 2+ years? Not able to eat? why did he say no to testing for a parasite? What nexts step should I take. I am at the end of my road dealing with this. I have no energy and feel useless. I love food and I can t even eat to fulfill my body s daily needs. Do you think the medication(antibiotics, oxycodone, cymbalta, xanax) i was on during these test could have somehow affected the results? I am willing to pay any amount of money that I have access to, to figure out what s wrong with me. I have fought this for years and don’t know who else to turn to. I have spent so much money driving back and forth to appointments with kaiser, waiting MONTHS and MONTHS for appointments with absolutely no results and drs not even giving me the time of day. I m not saying they don t know what they are talking about but I have also researched that people believe pesticides arent common in the US which is totally not true. Maybe I am misinformed but i feel like research i read was from legitimate sources (CDC MAYO JOHN HOPKINS DR. BORODY etc.) Like i said i am 23 years old and i m a single mom I CANNOT feel like this. I don’t blame my family or friends for not wanting to hear about this issue anymore because it has been happening for so long with no solution. PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY look forward to hearing back from you, Rebecca Levy YYYY@YYYY