HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The blood in the stool may indicate that you may have a bacterial infection or severe viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract.
The burning may be due to slight skin damage in the anal region due to persistent
You would now need to consider dabbing with wet or damp tissue instead of wiping.
There are some bacteria infections such as
typhoid, that require antibiotics. The stool sample would determine if any infection, requiring specific treatment, is present.
If you are noting a lot of blood, you need to go to your doctor or the hospital because you may need fluids to be given.
Probiotics and medications to reduce the diarrhea may help till results are available.
Probiotics have been shown to shorten the course of diarrhea.
Medications such as peptobismol or
lomotil may help with the diarrhea.
I hope this helps