Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. As you have checked with an ENT Doctor thus he must have given due consideration regarding your symptoms, but since I'm unable to examine you directly, thus my approach in your case would be:
i. As the age advances
Cervical spondylitis is the commonest cause, even then:
ii. If symptoms are severe or associated with any neurological sign,
consult a Neurologist.
iii. Check with your blood pressure, neck movements and look for pallor & murmur [Cardiologist opinion], and ask for cochlear symptoms [
deafness & tinnitus] & vestibular symptoms [vertigo & nystagmus]
iv. If the symptoms are not promptly controlled, ask for Hb%, X-ray
cervical spine [AP & Lateral], ENT & Ophthalmic checkup till then:
- bed rest, avoid movements if symptoms are severe.
- tablet cinnarzine 25 mg [thrice daily] till symptoms are controlled.
- capsules B complex: twice daily.
PS. check baseline investigations like serum electrolytes, thyroid, and
cholesterol profile and blood sugar level.