My Mom is 93, and up until a few months ago was an amazingly energetic and cognitively alert woman. In the past 6 months, she had a non-bloodborne MRSA cellulitis infection, a fall that caused a rib contusion, and a very mild MI ... all of which she has recovered from. It has been at least 2 months since the last issue, and her LVEF post-MI is still 51%. She is able to tolerate a fair amount of exercise for someone her age (she is able to tolerate machines at cardiac rehab for 15 mins at a time). The problem is over the past few months she has developed severe fatigue, daytime sleepiness, lack of energy and depression that she says affects her ability to function. Sure, it could be her age, but 6 months ago this was not anywhere near as much of a problem. Hemoglobin is normal, Thyroid is normal (she is on Synthroid), cardiologist says it s not likely to be cardiac related, Serum Glucose is 78 (normal), Serum Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride) all normal. Kidney and Liver Enzymes all normal. My question is this. Her last endocrinological blood workup in May indicated an Intact PTH of 82 pg/ml with a Serum Calcium of 9.3 mg/dl. The PTH is elevated. When I read the symptoms of Hyperparathyroidism, I see many of her complaints. Given the elevated PTH, but a normal Serum Calcium ... could the elevated PTH be the cause of her recent complaints of fatigue, depression and lack of energy?