Thanks for query to Health Care Magic.
vomiting or very forceful vomiting is a cause of concern but not to worry so much.
May be due to these possibilities , these include:
1 Hyper tension , as I have seen in so many mine cases that once headache start particularly in the back , most probable cause seems to
hypertension.Diagnosis can be confirmed by physical examination at that time of such episode.
2 Hyper acidity or
acute gastritis may be the next reason . So avoid fried or greasy food ( pizza, burger etc avoid).
3 Stress or
anxiety , as your doctor told you.
Whenever , you feel such symptoms take some antacid but if symptoms are sever you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors.
Still no relief take 2nd opinion.
Hope this will be useful for you.
Further any question I will reply happily.
Good luck.