Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern and after reviewing the history one should approach the symptoms as:
1. In every patient of headache,one must test the following signs as routine:
. check blood pressure,and control
hypertension if present
. check sinus tenderness over maxillary/frontal sinuses and look for any focus of infection in teeth,tonsils & ears.
. check tenderness over nape of neck or pain on neck movements
2. If nausea/vomiting is significant with headache then:
. rule out
meningitis [neck stiffness]
. if it is severe and progressive, refer for
Neurologist opinion or C.T. Scan
3. It will be wise of you to first take her to an emergency room [ER] and where they can decide the diagnosis and further line of management.
4. Most
headaches in general practice are ordinary tension headaches and need just an
analgesic and may be a tranquiliser [tynelol] can be given as it is safe and does not alter the course of disease [if present]