We have been in the mountains for 7 days now. My daughter, age 4, woke up this morning complaining her forehead hurt. I figured it was a headache related to altitude so I gave her ibuprofen at 9am and we went about our day and drank lots of water. She complained of headache pain again around 2pm, so I gave her acetaminophen. Her headache did not go away and then she developed a low fever 100.3 so around 5:30 I tried to give her ibuprofen but she threw up 4 times and medicine didn t go down. After cleaning her up she went to sleep. At 7pm she woke again complaining of forehead pain so tried medicine again but she threw up again, so medicine didn t get in. Fever is 101.3. She s sleeping in little spurts but wakes up complaining of forehead pain but doesn t want to take medicine for fear it will make her vomit. Could this be something that needs medical attention? I should also mention my son (6) and brother (44) have also gotten sick on this trip with fevers, but no nausea. Fever only lasted 2 days for my son and my brother just got sick at the same time as my daughter today. This makes me think it s just a virus they have passed around.