I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain itchiness of foreskin along with smegma deposits that does not get removed completely along with pain and redness of foreskin is known as
BALANITIS and can be due to causes like:
1.Poor genital hygiene and not cleaning them regularly.
Allergic reaction to certain soaps and cosmetics.
3.Side effects of certain medications.
4. Excessive dry penile skin.
6.Sexually transmitted infections like
It can also be due to
fungal infection known as Mucocutaneous thrush..
I would suggest you to consult an Internal Medicine Specialist and get evaluated and he can do a thorough clinical evaluation and can also do a urethral swab culture and microscopic examination of the scrapings from the skin..
You can be advised to first of all take anti allergics like Levocetrizine or
Allegra to control itching..
You can be advised to apply
steroid based cream to reduce itching, swelling and inflammation..
You can also be advised to take antibiotics if there is infection..
Anti fungal medications can be given in case of thrush..
Keep the area clean and dry and also wash it with a mild soap and water on regular basis..
Wear cotton and loose fitting undergarments and clothes..
Avoid scented sprays and soaps application on the genitals..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.