Welcome to HCM
This is Dr Amit.
In my opinion
severe itching is not related with Hydrocodone withdrawl.
Early signs of hydrocodone withdrawal can include: runny nose,
excessive sweating, shedding tears, yawning, dilated pupils, and increased temperature. Later signs of hydrocodone withdrawal include: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a continual or recurrent inclination to evacuate the bowels, goose flesh, weakness, increased blood pressure and pulse etc.
withdrawal symptoms can develop a few after the next expected dose, peak within 36–72 hours and subside over 5–10 days. And you have already stopped it before 4 months.
It seems you are having
allergic reaction or eczema due to which you are getting eczema. I will advice you to consult the
dermatologist he/she will identify the underlying problem after taking history and doing examination. Meanwhile for the itching you can take ALLAGRA or any other anti-histamine drugs
Hope i have given satisfactory answer to your query