Hello Doctor, My wife has got examined by a Allergy specialist(M.D.,D.F.H) in India, she was found allergic to aspergillus fumigatus, mosquito, moth, milk, egg, tomato, house dust mite, banana, black pepper, dal urud, garlic, ground nut, mustard, peas and chicken. Doctor has supplied a mixture of allergens 1:5000 for Immunotheraphy.First dose of 0.2cc and subsequently 0.5cc once in three days(10 doses).same way 1:500 and 1:50 -(0.5 cc once in three days and 10 doses of each mixture of allergens) Doctor has advised that after taking these injections and medicines everything will become fine, but there were no issues until after completion of the Immunotherapy, but my wife is having severe itching and rashes for the past few days. Could you kindly advise on the remedy for the above mentioned issues. Regards G.Saravanan