Thanks for the query. I understand your concern.
Itchy foot could be due to-
- keeping it sweaty, lack of cleaning, being packed in shoes ( poor exposure to air )& socks most of the time.. socks not being changed / washed & cleaned over days.Such condition many a times results in fungal infection( tenia pedis - Athletes foot- This is a contagious infection-- may be contacted by using same foot wares )
- Dry feet due to damage of peripheral nerves- in conditions - diabetes/ old age/ tarsal tunnel syndrome- damage to nerves cause nerve malfunction leading to itching.
Allergy - to soap, talcum powder, material of socks, shoes can lead to allergic itching.
* keep the feet clean off the sweat, with scrubbing off the dead skin or flakes, & nourish it with a light
massage with moisturizer & a dot of
steroid cream to it / use airy foot wear, sprinkle anti fungal powder before putting on socks/ keep the foot open / apply moisturizer mixed with steroid cream to feet before bed time./ avoid sharing foot wear.
-Avoid known allergens.
- If you have diabetes-- keep sugar levels in normal limits ( with help of treating doctor & diet control
* If no relief with home care- You need a dermatologist's expert advise for pin pointing the cause followed by specific treatment.