have a girlfriend w/ severe itching all over her back and scalp since last summer. the dermatologist does not know cause, he had her seen by a group of physicians last week and they still have no clue as to the cause. She has many, many black moles on chest and back and even face. She has had 25 burned off and benign. Steroids help, allergy testing so far negative. he prescribed her to put vaseline on her back at bedtime. Since the multi-physician exam he is now asking her to have her dr order labs to r/o cancer. She is very frustrated and certainly concerned. I have suggested a second opinion. We also have a friend who said yrs ago had same symptoms and yrs ago prescribed Lyrica and now fine as long as she takes it everyday, some type of idiopathic disorder. We live in the Phila area, would like to know specialist she should see to try to get a diagnosis and correct tx for symptoms. Can you help?