Hello I am a 29 year old mother of one. I had my thyroid removed in 2008 with radioactive iodine because it was over active. I became pregnant 6 months later. After I had my son, a year and a half later I noticed all kinds of medical problems. Firstly, I started to have this really bad pain in my lower back which also affected my butt. When I sit or stand for more than an hour I'm in excruciating pain. I saw several different orthopedic specialist and had several different procedures and all kind of radiological imaging done. In the end, it was nothing that the orthopedic specialist could do. I was referred to a rheumatogist and I have yet to attend this appointment, however, my pcp believes my problem may bedue to nerves and I believe she may be right. I recently had an emg done by a neurologist which revealed a mild pinched nerve but he didn't seem interested in treating my condition. I guess my questions are should I be seeing a neurosurgeon or could my problem be linked to the removal of my thyroid. I've experienced weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, and moodiness since about a year and a half after my sons birth. I see my endocrinologist as instructed but I don't feel I'm getting adequate care. She only wants to see me yearly but I feel I should be seen at least every three months. After dealing with all my issues for so long Im willing to try anything at this point. Hope u can put me on the path to a solution.
Tia Dunlap