Hello there, I have been experiencing worsening periods alongside other symptoms for a period of six months. Period pain has increased and ovary pain in particular has become more prevalent over time. The last three months have been excruciating for me and have stopped me leaving my home or moving around due to the discomfort. Pain is severe in both ovaries and comes and goes throughout the majority of my cycle. It ranges from dull aches to sharp pain that can be so severe I need to sit down and wait for it to pass. This last period (which has just ended) has been the worst for pain and heavy bleeding. It also started, stopped, and then started again, changing from dark brown blood to fresh red blood which has never happened before. I experienced brown discharge before my period for two months now. I have had ovary pain throughout the entire month alongside menstrual type cramping and also pain before having a bowel movement although I have had this for a few years now and is not every time I have a bowel movement. I have mentioned to my GP that I also get stomach ache similar to cramping after sex and pain in my abdomen during sex but again this is not every time. I have an appointment for an ultrasound next week and have been tested for infections. What could this be? My period has ended two days ago but I still have ovary pain and abdominal pain. I do not wish to have another period as I fear it will increase in pain as the months go on. I am 24 years old, I am not pregnant and have only been with my current partner for two years.