Hi I have been suffering from all over body pain ( burning, aching, shooting, stabbing) for over 3 weeks. I went to the E.R. Twice, had an X-ray on my ankle due to an open wound that was infected, I m seeing a neurologist (don t know the results of my brain MRI yet). I haven t slept more than 3 hours at a time since this started. My family doctor ( who I just met) diagnosed me with depression. Also I lost about 12 pounds in the first week this happened. I think that was because the pain was intense I lost my apatite. If I was depressed I didn t know it, so I have not started the antidepressant she prescribed. I feel that the wound on my heel (due to a women stepping on my heel at an outdoor festival ) that eventually had to treated for cellulitis is the root cause , but the ER doctors and my new doctor assure me that my pain and the wound are separate. Until the heel wound I excercised regularly and had two jobs. I missed two weeks of work at my regular office job, and haven t retuned to my waitress job.,I went to the gym yesterday for the first time since 9/11/16 just for lite cardo and to stretch. I m 49 years old and should have started my period right about the time this flared up but still haven t. I have had the basic blood and urine test which are normal. I still don t know the results of the bood tests my neurologist ordered, because I still need to sign up for medical record access. I guess I m just trying to get some professional help because this has taken over my life and I m afraid I will become depressed.