Hello , this morning around 6 am I got up to leg pain , like a passim in my leg and my foot turned right and it hurt very badly , right after that I start to fell very sick like noisea , I went to bathroom , but I got at the same time light head and very , very hot and sweating very bad , never had that before . Next tingh I know I woke-uo/ came to on the bathroom floor , I went back to bed , but it got worse with the pain in lower abnomal and it felt like I had to go do # 2 , but I could not and pain and pain and excessive sweating for may be one hour or so , I took I motrin and I finally fell a sleep and woke-up around 9 am . O yes , while I got up from bathroom floor I must of hit my forehead because I got big bruise on my forehead on the left side .