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I experience sever pain in my neck, chest, abdomen and back the day after binge drinking. It feels like I’m bruised everywhere; very sensitive to the touch but there is no skin discoloration. In addition, I’ve never experienced a physical trauma while drinking that would leave my entire body bruised. I also feel very swollen and bloated. It seems the most pain and swelling is near my lymph nodes (i.e. sides of neck under jaw, armpits, and abdomen). It makes it extremely hard to sleep because it is painful to lie in bed. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of alcohol I drink, drinking any type alcohol in excess will always result in this pain. It seems to be progressively getting worse with age. I’ve probably been experiencing it for about 2 years now. I am a 25 year old Caucasian female, I weigh about 145lbs, and I run and try to eat healthy on a regular basis. I began drinking in college when I was about 20/21 years old. I am not an avid drinker and very rarely binge drink. I would say I’ll have a drink 4/5 times a month (normally just a glass of wine or a beer with dinner) and I always feel fine with one or two drinks. But when I drink any type of alcohol in excess, which maybe happens a few times a year, I have found it always results in this extreme body pain. The pain normally goes away in a day or two but seems to be getting more intense. I feel like I need to address this situation to make sure it’s not something more serious. Thank you for any help.