Hi welcome to HCM
I can understand your concern regarding your radiating
severe neck pain . on going thru your history I can gather that yours is a case of over exertion and no rest or low level of activity .
Many people experience neck pain or
stiffness in the neck occasionally. In many cases, it is due to poor posture, normal wear and tear, or overuse. Sometimes, neck pain is caused by
injury from a fall, contact sports .
Poor posture , working at a desk for too long without changing position .
sleeping with your neck in a bad position , jerking the neck during exercise
are few other possible factors causing you the pain .
This can be due to long-term inflammation caused by
arthritis or other reasons.
Follow few steps with consultation of your doctor , which may help to get relief from pain -:
1 Take a few days off from sports, activities that aggravate your symptoms, and heavy lifting. Resume normal activity slowly as symptoms ease.
2. Exercise your neck every day. Slowly stretch your head in side-to-side and up-and-down motions.
3. Use good posture. and rotate gently
4. Avoid cradling the phone between your neck and shoulder.
Change your position often. Do not stand or sit in one position for too long.
5. Get a gentle
neck massage with olive oil .
6. Do not use a neck brace or collar without checking with your doctor’s approval. If not used properly, this can actually make the problem worse.
Homeopathic Arnica 30 /3 drops in a cup of water . Make 4 doses of this mixture .Take every 3 hours . Repeat for 3 days . Repeat after 3 days of gap if required .
Take a spoon of Turmeric powder in a of hot milk at bed time .Can add a spoon of Honey .It is great antioxidant and relieves pain and inflammation effectively .
Hope this helps solve your query .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any other doubt .