For awhile now, possibly 3 or 4 years, I have had pretty severe heart or chest pain. I can t really pick out which it is. It can happen when I m laying in bed or doing some kind of physical activity either one, but when it does happen, the pain brings me to my knees and is the worst pain I have ever felt. It brings tears to my eyes. I wouldn t say it happens every single day, but I would say it happens at least 4 to 5 times a week at the most. This pain expectedly affects me a lot while I shower as well. If I stand up in the shower for more than 3 or 4 minutes, I lose my breath and my chest starts to hurt very badly, so I have to sit down in the shower the majority of it. Another time it expectedly affects me is if I drink a sun drop or Mountain Dew or something with possibly a lot of citrus in it. Most of the other times my chest affects me, it is just random and happens at any time. I don t quite know how to explain it, but it s a very sharp pain almost like someone is pinching my veins with very sharp nails or piercing my skin inside of there and causes so much pain to me. I have also experienced quite a bit of heartburn as well, I don t know if this has anything to do with the other pains or not. I am an 18 year old female and my parents do not want to believe that something is wrong with me and keep telling me it s nothing, not to worry about it. But in my opinion, something that hurts me this badly and brings tears to my eyes and brings me to my knees, isn t something serious. I really hope someone can t help me out! Thanks in advance!