Pain in the distribution of
sciatic nerve is caused by sciaitve nerve damage. There are many causes of
peripheral nerve damage such as diabetes,
chronic renal failure, leprosy, vertebral compression, vasculitis, shingles and
hypothyroidism etc. Cause needs to be identified.
1. Avoid the posture which aggravates pain and strenuous activity
2. Try to sleep in supine position in which spine should be in extended position. Flexion of spine aggravates pain. So flexion movement of spine such as bending and sitting should be avoided
Methylcobalamin 500 mcg once daily per oral for 3 months
4. Gabapentin 100 mg (Capsule Neuronti 100 mg) thrice daily per oral for one month
5. Consult a physiotherapist. Physiotherapist will suggest exercise for relieving such pain
6. Investigation – MRI of spine, blood sugar (F & PP), serum creatinine