I am having very painful and sharp, intermittent, inner thigh pain. The sight of the pain is about 2 inches or so above my knee and closer to the inner side rather than the back of the thigh. A few nights ago I was awakened from my sleep From the pain- totally out of the blue. The pains were coming about every 1 to 2 minutes or so and would very briefly subside in between. After maybe an hour the pains stopped and I fell back to sleep. Touching or pushing on that spot did not cause any pain. My skin was not warm to the touch. The next few days there was no more of that pain. Completely disappeared. However, now I am having this pain searing, stabbing pain in the same area. It is now coming in waves (pulsing) in less than a minute apart. Very painful and almost takes my breath away. Again- no pain if I touch or push on that spot and my skin is not warm to the touch. I am 70 years in very good health, good weight, etc. However, I have Factor V Leiden (only from one of my parents) although it has never presented a problem for me. Thanks for your help.