I'm of the following opinion:
1. Take the opinion of a medical specialist who might ask for an investigation like endoscopy, gastric analysis, colonoscopy. At present all I can say is that it might be a 'gastrointestinal' symptom thus you should contact either
general surgeon, gastroenterologist or gynecologist and if not sure consult your general physician who after reviewing your case history and physical examination will refer you to specialist concerned.
2. Most common diagnoses of lower
abdominal pain relate to uterine, gonadal, renal, and bladder complications, [less common causes like primary dermatologic and musculoskeletal problems as well as
referred pain and neuropathies related to underlying vertebral and spinal cord complications can also occur], so examination is mandatory for further workup and management.
In females, consult a gynecologist for any underlying pathologies like
endometriosis, uterine fibroids or
pelvic inflammatory disease [PID]. If after pelvic examination the doctor suspects an underlying condition, she may order further investigations like MRI, CT, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy since surgery may be needed to remove the abnormal tissue [if any].
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Munish Sood,
Ayurveda Specialist