I have had severe back pain radiating to my abdomen starting around the naval and spreading throughout my complete abdomen and lower back. A Cat Scan revealed I have 2 to 3-inch cysts on each kidney, as well as diverticulosis, an epigastric hernia plus lumbar and cervical disc degeneration. I am in constant pain, and although I just saw a Urologist, she said the kidney cysts were Simple .I am presently having severe radiating pain that seems to come from my back around my left side and down through my abdomen. I am debating on going to an Emergency Care Facility but 20 minutes or so later the pain subsides and I think I m in the clear, only to be awakened again in severe pain. Do you think kidney stones could be the reason or possibly can pancreatitis come and go. I suffer the , most at night. I had my gall bladder removed years ago, but the severity of the pain certainly feels almost the same. Also, a bout with pyelonephritis 20 years ago produced pain very similar to what I am experiencing now. No doctor seems particularly concerned saying nothing indicates a severe condition, but I am suffering and am not sure how to convey to these physicians that the pain is indeed severe. Any advice where to start? Sincere regards, C Johnston