Hi there i have an issue that occurred after sex. Now believe me, I m gonna go to a clinic to get this checked out. But I m freaking out because I think I have an STD. Basically my penis is redish in color on the head and beneath the foreskin. The day after sex my penis head and foreskin were heavily swollen and I noticed that there was some kind of white skin pealing off. The swelling has gone down slightly but my foreskin is still too tight around the head of my penis, there is even more white skin pealing, and it burns to pee. On top of that it itches also, and when I pee its almost like it struggles to release it. The penis hole is begging to turn purplish and swell. I m extremely worried. Even more so that it was an escort I had unprotected sex with, who apparently says she always uses condoms.... But you know how that goes. Please I m scared.