Hi. I m a male 58 taking lisinopril/htcz 20/12.5 at 7 am & Lisinopril 10mg at 9:30 pm daily to control high blood pressure. Had a chyo-ablation a few years ago & A-Fib has subsided. But I have a red face daily. It s redder with exercise, stress, or alcohol, but it s always red. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being beet red, it s a 7-8, rosey red, and warm. Cardiologist, family doc, & dermitologist say not to worry, because I have no other symptoms & bp is 130/90. Blood screening tests are ok. But people ask me almost daily why my face is so red. I d like to get it back to normal, cremes don t work. It started 4-5 years ago & is getting worse.