I m a 53 yr old WF, menopausal, smoker, drinker, have HBP (on medications), take percocet for severe lower lumbar arthritis with sciactic pain. I had back surgery 15 months ago for cyst on sciactic nerve (L-3, L-4) and was also involved in auto accident 2 months after surgery while traveling 55 mph, hit on my driver s side which knocked me 3 lanes over into ditch. In last 3-4 months I have been experiencing SEVERE perspiration that causes my face to turn red, my hair soaked along with all clothing. Our family has a genetic heart mutation which has caused 4 premature deaths in 1st & 2nd cousins and nephew. I have seen cardiologist, had EKG along with heart sonogram (can t remember term) which all checked out ok, but that was 2 years ago.