Hi there, I got sick two weeks ago with severe vomiting and loose stool, 99.5 fever, felt dreadful. Vomit one day, hold it down the next, vomit the next day, hold it down the next, vomit for a day, then hold it down, and return to work. I felt the same way in December, sick for 6 days, and didn t feel strong and quite right for a few weeks, then got the illness again, this time for 7 days. I made it to the doctor and was diagnosed with abdominal strep and went through 2 rounds of antibiotics. This last time I was ill, I went to the doc the 2nd day, got an IV and was told I tested negative for strep and they didn t know what was wrong. I went back a few days later for another IV and my white cell count, which had been 14,000 a few days earlier, was apparently back where it should be. I am back at work but still feel tired, and I m worried I ve been misdiagnosed and it s going to get me again, and it was sooo hard to get through, my heart just sinks thinking about it. I ve been under tremendous stress (my husband just started an antipsychotic because of extreme paranoia that has become unmanageable for the household, and getting him on it was a tremendous battle). Any advice on what could be wrong with me? A friend suggested problems with the pancreas. I had a full physical after recovering from what had been diagnosed as abdominal strep and passed with flying colors, but I don t know if that includes a look at how the pancreas is functioning.