So I usually don t do this but lately I haven t been feeling myself. My husband and I had unprotected sex the past couple days and about a week-week and a half ago, both times with internal ejaculation. The previous two days I have woke up to a slight sharp pain in my abdomen area different from typical period cramps and pains. However they did not last long. Long enough for me to acknowledge them (less than a minute). Last night I had issues with getting comfortable sitting on the couch and laying in bed. There was a slightly less sharp pain on my right side, the side I sleep on. It wasn t as painful as it was just uncomfortable. This morning I woke up to a strange feeling in the same area though I am not sure how to explain it. Almost like an uncomfortable tickle. I noticed when I went to the restroom this morning there was a slightly pink tint when I wiped, and nothing else as the day has gone on. For about the past week I have had headaches and my acne has gotten severely worse. I was moody but the past couple of days I have been happier than usual. I have been tired more than usual lately as well. I feel as if my rest has become less restful/replenishing. My abdomen is also sore. For say my husband lays his arm across it or my dog lays his head on it, it feels as if they are applying pressure to a bruised area. Though they both do these things on a daily basis and I have never had an issue with it before. Could I be pregnant or is it something else? I like to think I am in tune with my body, I just feel strange and off. I am also 19 and have never been pregnant before.